This blog is about to extract records from Purchase req to Ap invoice (P2P) form oracle application.
Includes two scripts to fetch all the transactions information related with in a procure to pay cycle.
Two scripts are provided to use one with receipts and other when receipts are not created.
Few important fields that were included in the script are Requisition Number, Purchase Order Number, Invoice Number, Customer Number, Invoice Amount, GL Transfer flag e.t.c
Procure to Pay query without receipts
SELECT DISTINCT reqh.segment1 req_num,
reqh.authorization_status req_status,
poh.segment1 po_num,
poh.authorization_status po_status,
FROM ap_invoices_all i,
ap_invoice_distributions_all invd,
po_headers_all poh,
po_lines_all pol,
po_distributions_all pod,
po_vendors v,
po_requisition_headers_all reqh,
po_requisition_lines_all reql,
po_req_distributions_all reqd,
ap_invoice_payments_all p,
ap_checks_all c,
ap_ae_headers_all h,
ap_ae_lines_all l
WHERE 1 = 1
AND i.vendor_id = v.vendor_id
AND c.check_id = p.check_id
AND p.invoice_id = i.invoice_id
AND poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
AND reqh.requisition_header_id = reql.requisition_header_id
AND reqd.requisition_line_id = reql.requisition_line_id
AND pod.req_distribution_id = reqd.distribution_id
AND pod.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
AND pod.po_distribution_id = invd.po_distribution_id
AND invd.invoice_id = i.invoice_id
AND h.ae_header_id = l.ae_header_id
AND l.source_table = 'AP_INVOICES'
AND l.source_id = i.invoice_id
--and poh.segment1 = :PO_NUMBERAND reqh.segment1 = :req_number
--and i.invoice_num = :INVOICE NUMBER
SELECT DISTINCT reqh.segment1 req_num, reqh.authorization_status req_status,
poh.segment1 po_num, pol.line_num,
poh.authorization_status po_status, rcvh.receipt_num,
rcv.inspection_status_code, i.invoice_num, i.invoice_amount,
i.amount_paid, i.vendor_id, v.vendor_name, c.check_number,
h.gl_transfer_flag, h.period_name
FROM ap_invoices_all i,
ap_invoice_distributions_all invd,
po_headers_all poh,
po_lines_all pol,
po_distributions_all pod,
po_vendors v,
po_requisition_headers_all reqh,
po_requisition_lines_all reql,
po_req_distributions_all reqd,
rcv_transactions rcv,
rcv_shipment_headers rcvh,
rcv_shipment_lines rcvl,
ap_invoice_payments_all p,
ap_checks_all c,
ap_ae_headers_all h,
ap_ae_lines_all l
WHERE 1 = 1
AND i.vendor_id = v.vendor_id
AND c.check_id = p.check_id
AND p.invoice_id = i.invoice_id
AND poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
AND reqh.requisition_header_id = reql.requisition_header_id
AND reqd.requisition_line_id = reql.requisition_line_id
AND pod.req_distribution_id = reqd.distribution_id
AND pod.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
--AND POH.PO_HEADER_ID = RCV.PO_HEADER_IDAND rcvh.shipment_header_id = rcv.shipment_header_id(+)
AND pod.po_distribution_id = invd.po_distribution_id
AND invd.invoice_id = i.invoice_id
AND h.ae_header_id = l.ae_header_id
AND l.source_table = 'AP_INVOICES'
AND l.source_id = i.invoice_id
--and poh.segment1 = :PO_NUMBERAND reqh.segment1 = :req_number
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Wednesday, December 28, 2011
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