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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Standard API to Register Concurrent Program

This blog is about to regeister Concurrent Program through Standard API..
1) Create a excel(Data File) with requried details as said below in sample query
2) load that excel values in a staging tabel through sql loader or through toad
3)Register your Concurrent Program with below said Standard API ,Please do some validation like if concurrent is already available etc.....

v_program VARCHAR2 (200);
v_application VARCHAR2 (200);
v_enabled VARCHAR2 (200);
v_short_name VARCHAR2 (200);
v_description VARCHAR2 (200);
v_executable_short_name VARCHAR2 (200);
v_executable_application VARCHAR2 (200);
v_execution_options VARCHAR2 (200);
v_priority NUMBER;
v_save_output VARCHAR2 (200);
v_print VARCHAR2 (200);
v_cols NUMBER;
v_rows NUMBER;
v_style VARCHAR2 (200);
v_style_required VARCHAR2 (200);
v_printer VARCHAR2 (200);
v_request_type VARCHAR2 (200);
v_request_type_application VARCHAR2 (200);
v_use_in_srs VARCHAR2 (200);
v_allow_disabled_values VARCHAR2 (200);
v_run_alone VARCHAR2 (200);
v_output_type VARCHAR2 (200);
v_enable_trace VARCHAR2 (200);
v_restart VARCHAR2 (200);
v_nls_compliant VARCHAR2 (200);
v_icon_name VARCHAR2 (200);
v_language_code VARCHAR2 (200);
v_mls_function_short_name VARCHAR2 (200);
v_mls_function_application VARCHAR2 (200);
v_incrementor VARCHAR2 (200);
v_refresh_portlet VARCHAR2 (200);
v_check VARCHAR2 (2);
v_program := 'Concurrent program for testing SHAREORACLEAPPS';
v_application := 'Payables';
v_enabled := 'Y';
v_short_name := 'XX_SHAREORACLEAPPS';
v_description := 'Shareoracleapps Test Program';
v_executable_short_name := 'XX_SHAREORACLEAPPS';
v_executable_application := 'Msisol Payables';
v_execution_options := NULL;
v_priority := NULL;
v_save_output := 'Y';
v_print := 'Y';
v_cols := NULL;
v_rows := NULL;
v_style := NULL;
v_style_required := 'N';
v_printer := NULL;
v_request_type := NULL;
v_request_type_application := NULL;
v_use_in_srs := 'Y';
v_allow_disabled_values := 'N';
v_run_alone := 'N';
v_output_type := 'TEXT';
v_enable_trace := 'N';
v_restart := 'Y';
v_nls_compliant := 'Y';
v_icon_name := NULL;
v_language_code := 'US';
v_mls_function_short_name := NULL;
v_mls_function_application := NULL;
v_incrementor := NULL;
v_refresh_portlet := NULL;
(program => v_program,
application => v_application,
enabled => v_enabled,
short_name => v_short_name,
description => v_description,
executable_short_name => v_executable_short_name,
executable_application => v_executable_application,
execution_options => v_execution_options,
priority => v_priority,
save_output => v_save_output,
PRINT => v_print,
cols => v_cols,
ROWS => v_rows,
style => v_style,
style_required => v_style_required,
printer => v_printer,
request_type => v_request_type,
request_type_application => v_request_type_application,
use_in_srs => v_use_in_srs,
allow_disabled_values => v_allow_disabled_values,
run_alone => v_run_alone,
output_type => v_output_type,
enable_trace => v_enable_trace,
restart => v_restart,
nls_compliant => v_nls_compliant,
icon_name => v_icon_name,
language_code => v_language_code,
mls_function_short_name => v_mls_function_short_name,
mls_function_application => v_mls_function_application,
incrementor => v_incrementor,
refresh_portlet => v_refresh_portlet
INTO v_check
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs
WHERE concurrent_program_name = 'XX_SHAREORACLEAPPS';
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Concurrent Program Registration Failed');

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