submit concurrent request set from backendI always had a doubt as how to call a concurrent request set from backend. I got this useful material while googling. So taught of sharing with you ppl. Hope you will enjoy.When programmatically launching a request set, base it on the following skeleton code. Couple of points to note first:
When a concurrent program has parameters, you must pass a value (or null) for each parameter that is on the Concurrent Program Definition - it is NOT the parameters that you see in the Request Set Definition as ones that are not displayed cannot be seen there, but programmatically are required.
Default values that are set up in the concurrent program definition, or the request set definition are not calculated for you - you must pass them in programmatically.
ALL stages of the request set must be programmatically dealt with - failure to do so will prevent the request set from running and you will not see ANY of it (the request set is effectively rolled back).
The values of the parameters that you pass must correspond to the values seen in the Parameters field in the Requests Windows, when you manually launch the job.
l_action := 'Launching Request Set';
l_ok := fnd_submit.set_request_set
(application => 'XX'
,request_set => 'XX_SAMPLE'
-- ------------------------------------
-- Stage 1 with 2 requests in the stage
-- -----------------------------------
IF l_ok AND l_success = 0 THEN
-- ----------------------------------------------------
-- SQL*Load the Ship To Addresses
-- ----------------------------------------------------
l_action := '1st job - 1st stage 1st request';
l_ok := fnd_submit.submit_program
(application => 'XX'
,program => 'XX_CONC_PROG1'
,stage => 'RS_STAGE_10'
,argument1 => 'conc prog params here'
l_success := -100;
IF l_ok AND l_success = 0 THEN
-- ----------------------------------------------------
-- SQL*Load the Invoices
-- ----------------------------------------------------
l_action := '2nd job - 1st stage 2nd request';
l_ok := fnd_submit.submit_program
(application => 'XX'
,program => 'XX_CONC_PROG2'
,stage => 'RS_STAGE_10'
,argument1 => 'conc prog params here'
l_success := -110;
-- --------------------------------------
-- New stage with 1 request
-- --------------------------------------
IF l_ok AND l_success = 0 THEN
l_action := '3rd job - 2nd stage 1st request';
l_ok := fnd_submit.submit_program
(application => 'XX'
,program => 'XX_CONC_PROG3'
,stage => 'RS_STAGE_20'
,argument1 => 'conc prog params here'
l_success := -120;
-- --------------------------------------
-- New stage with 1 request with LOTS of
-- parameters
-- --------------------------------------
IF l_ok AND l_success = 0 THEN
l_action := '4th job - 3rd stage 1st request';
l_ok := fnd_submit.submit_program
(application => 'AR'
,program => 'RAXMTR'
,stage => 'INV_INTERIM_60'
,argument1 => '1'
,argument2 => TO_CHAR(l_batch_source_id)
,argument3 => 'MP KRYTON'
,argument4 => TO_CHAR(TRUNC((SYSDATE - 0.5)),'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
,argument5 => NULL
,argument6 => NULL
,argument7 => NULL
,argument8 => NULL
,argument9 => NULL
,argument10 => NULL
,argument11 => NULL
,argument12 => NULL
,argument13 => NULL
,argument14 => NULL
,argument15 => NULL
,argument16 => NULL
,argument17 => NULL
,argument18 => NULL
,argument19 => NULL
,argument20 => NULL
,argument21 => NULL
,argument22 => NULL
,argument23 => NULL
,argument24 => NULL
,argument25 => 'Y'
,argument26 => NULL
,argument27 => fnd_profile.VALUE('ORG_ID')
l_success := -145;
-- -----------------------------------------------
-- All requests in the set have been submitted now
-- -----------------------------------------------
IF l_ok AND l_success = 0 THEN
-- ----------------------------------------------------
-- Run the job and then wait until all requests
-- have completed processing - we have to wait because
-- when we exit here the file is moved to a different
-- directory.
-- ----------------------------------------------------
l_request_id := fnd_submit.submit_set(NULL,FALSE);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Request_id = '||l_request_id);
l_complete := fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request
(request_id => l_request_id
,max_wait => 120
,phase => l_phase
,status => l_status
,dev_phase => l_dev_phase
,dev_status => l_dev_status
,message => l_message
l_success := -150;
IF l_success = 0 THEN
p_success := l_request_id;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error: '||l_success||' - Problem with '||l_action);
p_success := l_success;
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