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Thursday, September 6, 2012

HRMS ALL Tables and information

HRMS ALL Tables and information 
HR Work structures
PER Personnel and Assignment
PAY Compensation and Benefits
BEN Benefit related information
FF Fast Formula related

Forms are front-end screens displaying information from various tables. Views are created to collect the same information in one place. Then the Oracle applications form will call the view to retrieve the data.
This will simplify data presentation to the users of HRMS by hiding underlying tables, views and joins.
Some views are used just to present the current data and not historical data.
Some views are used in multiple forms rather than just one.

Example: PER_PEOPLE_V view retrieves data from HR_LOOKUPS, PER_PERSON_TYPES, PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE tables and PER_PEOPLE view.
PER_PEOPLE_V is used behind the Person form. When we query a person in the Person form, it will bring 
i) Last name, First name, Middle name, etc., details from PER_PEOPLE view which in-turn retrieves the data from PER_PEOPLE_F table.
ii) Type of person like Employee or Ex-Employee from PER_PERSON_TYPES table.
iii) Title of the person from HR_LOOKUPS table.

HR_LOCATIONS – Definition of locations.
HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION – Additional information about organization based on type of organization
HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS – Definition of Organization and its parameters.
HR_ASSIGNMNET_SETS – Definition of Assignment sets.
PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F – People related information.
PER_PERSON_TYPES – Types of people like employee, applicant, ex-employee and contact.
PER_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIPS – Relationship between Employee and contacts.
PER_ADDRESSES – Address information of all types of persons.

PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCE_TYPES – Types of attendance’s.

PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES – Absence information of employees.

PER_PEOPLE_EXTRA_INFO – Extra information types at the person level.

PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F – Information about employee assignments.




PER_ORG_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS – Organization Hierarchy information.

PER_PAY_PROPOSALS – Salary proposals and performance info at assignment level.

PER_PAY_PROPOSAL_COMPONENTS – Components of Salary proposals.

PER_PEOPLE_INFO_TYPES – Extra information types at a person level.

PER_TIME_PERIODS – Time period details of each pay period as defined in Payroll.

PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE – Service details at employee level.
PAY_PEOPLE_GROUPS – Information about how employees are grouped together in the people group flexfield.

PAY_PAYROLLS_F – Define the payroll and its details.

PAY_ELEMENT_CLASSIFICATIONS – Classifying elements based on legislation and other information.

PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F – Definition of elements and its parameters.

PAY_ELEMENT_LINKS_F – Definition of element links.

PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F – Definition of input values.

PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F – Information on Element entry to the assignment.

PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F – Values of input values at the assignment level.

PAY_FORMULA_RESULT_RULES -- Rules for some of the fast formula results.






PAY_BALANCE_DIMENSIONS – What type of balance: ITD, YTD, QTD, MTD, and PTD

PAY_DEFINED_BALANCES – Relationship or list of dimensions to balance types.

PAY_US_EMP_FED_TAX_RULES_F – Federal tax rules at the employee level.

PAY_US_GARN_FEE_RULES_F – Used to hold Garnishment rules.

FND_COMMON_LOOKUPS – Definition of Lookup types.

FND_COMMON_LOOKUP_TYPES – Lookup values for Quickcodes.

ALL_TABLES – List of all tables in HRMS database.

ALL_VIEWS – List of views.


When a new hire is entered into the HRMS database (either from the web or from the application) the following tables are affected.


















Will show how the tables are changing while making update in HRMS application.

Payroll Process

The following tables are a few of them that are accessed/updated while running a payroll:

Fast Formula tables.

Database Items (DB items)


Element related tables.

Tax tables


Date Tracking in the HRMS.

_ALL, _TL, _VL, _V,_F,_VL,_A,_AVN and what else..
• _ALL : Table holds all the information about different operating units. Multi-Org environment. You can also set the client_info to specific operating unit to see the data specific to that operating unit only.
• _TL are tables corresponding to another table with the same name minus the _TL. These tables provide multiple language support. For each item in the table without _TL there can be many rows in the _TL table, but all with different values in the LANGUAGE column.
• _B these are the BASE tables.
They are very important and the data is stored in the table with all validations.
It is supposed that these table will always contain the perfect format data.
If anything happens to the BASE table data, then it is a data corruption issue.
• _F these are date tracked tables, which occur in HR and Payroll. For these there are two date columns EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and EFFECTIVE_END_DATE which together with the PK identifies a row uniquely. The date intervals cannot overlap. Many think they are Secured data. Guess someone from Oracle confirms.
• _V tables are the views created on base tables
• _VL are views for multi language tables which combines the row of the base table with the corresponding row of the _TL table where the LANGUAGE = USERENV('LANG').
• _S are sequences, used for finding new values for the primary key of a table.
• _A are Audit Shadow Tables
• _AVN and _ACN are Audit Shadow Views (when data was changed, and with what values

1. per_all_people_f
This table will provide us the very basic information about the employee. The very data from the first screen we see when we open the ‘People -> Enter and Maintain’ form goes into this table.
2. per_all_assignments_f
This table will store all the information which is been entered in the employee assignment form.
3. per_addresses
This table will store all the information which is been entered in the employee address form.
4. per_pay_proposals
This table will store all the information which is been entered in the employee salary form.
5. per_person_types_tl
This table is used to find the type of the employee. This table is linked with the per_all_people_f with the person_type_id to find out the type of person.
6. per_jobs_tl
This table will contain the various types of JOBS in oracle. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct job name from the employee.
7. per_grades_tl
This table will contain the various types of GRADES in oracle. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct grade name from the employee.
8. hr_locations_all
This table will contain the various LOCATIONS in oracle. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct location name from the employee.
9. pay_all_payrolls_f
This table will contain the various types of PAYROLLS in oracle. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct payroll name from the employee.
10. per_pay_bases
This table will contain the various types of PAY BASES in oracle. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct pay basis name from the employee.
11. per_assignment_status_types_tl
This table will contain the various types of assignment types in oracle. The assignment types generally would be ‘Active Assignment’ etc.. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct job name from the employee.
12. per_person_type_usages_f
This table will store the correct person type of the particluar employee. We should never depend on the person type present in the per_all_people_f table. Instead we need to link the person_id with this table and get the correct person type.

Please find a list of Oracle HRMS Tables, with a brief description. You can also get the most up-to-date list from FND_TABLES 
Oracle HRMS Table Name Table Description
HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS Organization unit definitions.
HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_TL Translated organization unit name definitions.
HR_ALL_POSITIONS_F Position definition information.
HR_ALL_POSITIONS_F_TL Translation table
HR_API_BATCH_MESSAGE_LINES Results and messages generated during batch API processing.
HR_API_HOOKS Lists the hook points which are available in each API module.
HR_API_HOOK_CALLS Lists which extra logic, package procedures or formula, should be called from the API hook points.
HR_API_MODULES Holds details of the business processes and row handlers.
HR_API_TRANSACTIONS Kiosk processes in progress
HR_API_TRANSACTION_STEPS Kiosk workflow data rows
HR_API_TRANSACTION_VALUES Kiosk workflow data columns and values
HR_API_USER_HOOK_REPORTS Used to hold HR_API_USER_HOOK error information if this exists otherwise no information is held.
HR_ASSIGNMENT_SETS Formula definitions that identify sets of assignments.
HR_ASSIGNMENT_SET_AMENDMENTS Identifies explicit include and exclude rules for an assignment set.
HR_ASSIGNMENT_SET_CRITERIA Identifies individual criteria in the definition of an assignment set.
HR_ATH_ENROLL_TBLS This table contains ODBC connectivity information for the Authoria enrolled plans table(s).
HR_ATH_VARIABLEMAP Variable mappings table for the Authoria Integration
HR_AUTHORIA_MAPPINGS Authoria Mapping Information
HR_CALENDARS Dated instances of a repeating pattern.
HR_CALENDAR_USAGES Assignments of calendars to individual entities.
HR_CANVAS_PROPERTIES Canvas properties for configurable forms
HR_COMMENTS Central repository for comments.
HR_DE_LIABILITY_PREMIUMS_F Holds Liability Insurance Providers Premium rates for the Organization
HR_DE_ORGANIZATION_LINKS Holds extra information for Organizations links with External Orgs
HR_DE_SOC_INS_CONTR_LVLS_F Holds German Social Insurance Contibution data
HR_DM_APPLICATION_GROUPS Data Migrator locking ladder groups for applications.
HR_DM_COLUMN_DEFINITIONS Column definitions for sequence range management
HR_DM_DATABASES Table containing names of all databases within database farm
HR_DM_DT_DELETES This table holds the information for the deletion of date tracked data.  This table is also used to hold participant data information of data that has been downloaded but not been uploaded.
HR_DM_EXP_IMPS This table holds the data from various tables in the source database that will be moved to the destination database using the transportable tablespace for upload in the destination database
HR_DM_GROUPS This table holds information about the groupings used in the data migration process.
HR_DM_HIERARCHIES This entity will contain the relationships between tables.  The following relationship will be recorded:
HR_DM_LOADER_PARAMS This entity contains the configuration data for the AOL loader files
HR_DM_LOADER_PHASE_ITEMS This entity contains the migration specific configuration data for the AOL loader files.
HR_DM_MIGRATIONS This table contains the data migration information. There is one row per migration in progress.
HR_DM_MIGRATION_RANGES This table holds the allocated ranges for each slave process to process during each Download Application/Participant data phase of the migration.
HR_DM_MIGRATION_REQUESTS This table holds the information about the request id of the issuing concurrent program.
HR_DM_PHASES This table holds the information about each phase of the migration process.
HR_DM_PHASE_ITEMS This table details the work to be undertaken for each phase of the Data Migrator.
HR_DM_PHASE_RULES This table contains the rules governing which phases apply to which migrations.
HR_DM_RESOLVE_PKS This entity contains the values of the primary key for both the source and destination database for each table for use by the TUPS package.
HR_DM_SEQUENCE_DEFINITIONS Table containing Sequence Name information for the PER/PAY/DT/FF/OTA/SSP/GHR/HXT/BEN applications.
HR_DM_SEQUENCE_HISTORIES Table containing sequence information from the different Fidelity databases. To be updated before any changes to sequences are made to enable sequence history tracking.
HR_DM_SEQUENCE_RANGES Table containing Sequence Ranges for particular Sequence and Database.  This table can hold multiple Ranges for a given Sequence and Database.
HR_DM_TABLES This entity contains a HRMS table listing that will be processed by the data migrator.
HR_DM_TABLE_GROUPINGS This entity holds the information for the grouping of tables.
HR_DOCUMENT_EXTRA_INFO Documents of Record Information
HR_DOCUMENT_TYPES Document Types for Documents od Record
HR_DOCUMENT_TYPES_TL Translated Document Types for Documents of Record
HR_DU_COLUMN_MAPPINGS This table holds the relationship between the column name used in the source object (e.g. the spreadsheet column) and the output target (e.g. the Data Pump parameter name).
HR_DU_DESCRIPTORS This table holds the descriptor details for each API to be uploaded.
HR_DU_ERRORS This table holds details about errors encountered during processing of a batch by any of the Data Uploader modules.
HR_DU_MODULES This table holds the details about each module which can be used for either input, process or output with in the data Uploader.
HR_DU_UPLOADS This table holds the data relating to information uploaded from a single source file.
HR_DU_UPLOAD_HEADERS This table holds the details for each API to be uploaded.
HR_DU_UPLOAD_LINES This table holds the details for each item to be uploaded with an item spanning one or more rows
HR_EFC_ACTIONS Contains one row for each time the EFC conversion process or delete _EFC table data process is run.
HR_EFC_CURRENCY_HISTORIES Contains one row per NCU currency as defined in FND_CURRENCIES at the time of the EFC processing with details of the NCU.
HR_EFC_PROCESS_COMPONENTS Holds one row for each processing script in each conversion processing run.
HR_EFC_ROUNDING_ERRORS Holds one row for each time a rounding error adjustment has been made.
HR_EFC_WORKERS Holds one row for each parallel worker instance of a processing component.
HR_EFC_WORKER_AUDITS Holds one row for each HR_EFC_WORKER row per currency code processed for update scripts only.
HR_EXCEPTION_USAGES Identifies usage of defined exceptions to a repeating pattern.
HR_FORM_CANVASES_B Canvas definition for configurable forms
HR_FORM_CANVASES_TL Translated canvas definitions for configurable forms.
HR_FORM_DATA_GROUPS_B Form data group definition for configurable forms
HR_FORM_DATA_GROUPS_TL Translated form data group definitions for configurable forms
HR_FORM_DATA_GROUP_ITEMS Links items with data groups for configurable forms
HR_FORM_ITEMS_B Definition of items available for configurable forms
HR_FORM_ITEMS_TL Translated definitions of form items for configurable forms
HR_FORM_PROPERTIES Configurable properties for configurable forms modules
HR_FORM_TAB_PAGES_B Definition of form tab page for configurable forms
HR_FORM_TAB_PAGES_TL Translated definition of form tab page for configurable forms
HR_FORM_TAB_STACKED_CANVASES Definition of stacked canvas for tab pages in configurable forms
HR_FORM_TEMPLATES_B Definition of template used by configurable forms
HR_FORM_TEMPLATES_TL Translated template definition for use in configurable forms
HR_FORM_WINDOWS_B Definition of windows for use in configurable forms
HR_FORM_WINDOWS_TL Translated definition of windows for configurable form
HR_H2PI_ADDRESSES This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and  stores data related to addresses while data upload is in progress.
HR_H2PI_ASSIGNMENTS This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and  stores data related to assignments  while data upload is in progress.
HR_H2PI_BG_AND_GRE This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and  stores data related to bg_and_gre  while data upload is in progress.
HR_H2PI_CITY_TAX_RULES This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and  stores data related to us employees city tax rules  while data upload is in progress.
HR_H2PI_COST_ALLOCATIONS This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and  stores data related to cost allocations s while data upload is in progress.
HR_H2PI_COUNTY_TAX_RULES This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and  stores data related to us employee county tax rules  while data upload is in progress.
HR_H2PI_DATA_FEED_HIST This table stores information about date feed history for Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI).
HR_H2PI_ELEMENT_ENTRIES This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and  stores data related to element entries  while data upload is in progress.
HR_H2PI_EMPLOYEES This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and  stores data related to employees while data upload is in progress.
HR_H2PI_ID_MAPPING This table stores information about ID mapping for Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI).
HR_H2PI_LOCATIONS This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and  stores data related to locations  while data upload is in progress.
HR_H2PI_MESSAGE_LINES This table stores information about all the messages for Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI).
HR_H2PI_ORGANIZATION_INFO This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and  stores data related to  organization info while data upload is in progress.
HR_H2PI_US_MODIFIED_GEOCODES This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and  stores data related to  US midified geocodes while data upload is in progress.
HR_INCOMPATIBILITY_RULES Incompatibility rules for navigation units.
HR_ITEM_CONTEXTS Combinations table for the item context key flexfield ICX
HR_ITEM_PROPERTIES_B Properties for form or template items used by configurable forms.
HR_ITEM_PROPERTIES_TL Translatable properties of items for configurable forms
HR_JP_PARAMETERS This table holds unique id for Japanese legislative specific data in order not to hard-code Multibyte characters in Japanese localization code objects.
HR_KI_EXT_APPLICATIONS This table holds the details of the KI integration external applications
HR_LAYOUTS Information about an instance of a Self-Service User Interface configuration.
HR_LAYOUTS_TL Translation table for HR_LAYOUTS.
HR_LAYOUT_COMPONENTS Set of User Interface Components used within a configurable Self-Service layout.
HR_LAYOUT_COMP_DEFINITIONS Definitions of the set of User Interface components that can be used within a configurable Self Service User Interface Layout.
HR_LAYOUT_COMP_PROMPTS Set of prompt codes associated with a Configurable UI Layout Component
HR_LAYOUT_COMP_QUALIFIERS Set of layout qualifiers which can be used to modify the rendering of a Self Service User Interface component.
HR_LAYOUT_COMP_QUAL_RULES Set of rules that determine whether a Self Service User Interface component can use a particular layout qualifier.
HR_LEGISLATION_INSTALLATIONS Status of each product/legislation combination installed
HR_LOCATIONS_ALL Work location definitions.
HR_LOCATIONS_ALL_TL Translated location codes and descriptions.
HR_LOCATION_EXTRA_INFO Extra information for a location.
HR_LOCATION_INFO_TYPES Types of extra information that may be held against a Location.
HR_NAME_FORMATS Contains the format masks used to determine the displayed formats of personal names in Applications. Oracle will seed rows in this table which cannot be deleted, but can be modified by customers. Additional rows can be created.
HR_NAVIGATION_CONTEXT_RULES Context specific rules for taskflow navigation.
HR_NAVIGATION_NODES Taskflow node definitions.
HR_NAVIGATION_PATHS Taskflow navigation path details.
HR_NAVIGATION_UNITS Information about potential navigation options in a taskflow.
HR_NAVIGATION_UNITS_TL Translated fields for hr_navigation_units
HR_NAV_UNIT_GLOBAL_USAGES Global variable usage by specific navigation unit.  (Form or block).
HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION Additional attributes of an organization, dependent on class or organization information type.
HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATIO_EFC This is a copy of theHR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION  table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process.
HR_ORG_INFORMATION_TYPES Information types that are used to add information for an organization.
HR_ORG_INFO_TYPES_BY_CLASS Defines organization information types for specific organization classifications.
HR_PATTERNS A repeating time pattern, eg a work pattern, SSP qualifying pattern or a resource schedule.
HR_PATTERN_BITS A defined period of time used to construct a pattern.
HR_PATTERN_CONSTRUCTIONS Decomposition of a repeating pattern into its individual 'bits' of time.
HR_PATTERN_EXCEPTIONS An exception to a repeating pattern.
HR_PATTERN_PURPOSES Potential purpose for the parent pattern, eg 'Work Pattern', 'Resource schedule', etc.
HR_PATTERN_PURPOSE_USAGES Valid combinations of entities and pattern purposes.
HR_PUMP_BATCH_EXCEPTIONS Holds data pump processing exception (error) information.
HR_PUMP_BATCH_HEADERS Stores information on a batch to be loaded by the data pump.
HR_PUMP_BATCH_LINES Each rows stores the information required to make an API call. OUT-parameter values are written back after the API call.
HR_PUMP_BATCH_LINE_USER_KEYS User keys and their associated information is stored here on the creation of entities that require user keys.
HR_PUMP_DEFAULT_EXCEPTIONS Lists API modules that do not conform to the API parameter defaulting rules.
HR_PUMP_MAPPING_PACKAGES Lists PL/SQL packages that contain the parameter mapping functions used by data pump generated code. If module_package and module_name are both null then the mapping functions may be used by all APIs.
HR_PUMP_MODULE_PARAMETERS Holds seeded information about API parameters for data pump code generation.
HR_PUMP_RANGES Controls the parallelisation of the work when the data pump is running on multiprocessor platforms.
HR_PUMP_REQUESTS Holds information on data pump concurrent requests currently running.
HR_QUESTIONNAIRES Questionnaires used within SSHR.
HR_QUEST_ANSWERS Answers for a questionnaire.
HR_QUEST_ANSWER_VALUES Answer values for a questionnaire.
HR_QUEST_FIELDS Fields of a questionnaire.
HR_SOFT_CODING_KEYFLEX Legislation specific information for payrolls, organizations and assignments.
HR_SOURCE_FORM_TEMPLATES Identities of templates which have been copied and the resulting copy. Helps distinguish seeded templates from copied ones.
HR_STU_EXCEPTIONS Error conditions from the startup data process.
HR_STU_HISTORY Versions of HRMS Startup data installed
HR_SUMMARY HR_SUMMARY holds all data for the Generic Summary Process.
HR_SUMMARY_EFC This is a copy of the HR_SUMMARY table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process.
HR_S_US_CITY_NAMES US cities and their VERTEX geocodes, used to validate US addresses.
HR_S_US_CITY_TAX_INFO_F Element definitions.
HR_S_US_COUNTY_TAX_INFO_F Element definitions.
HR_S_US_FEDERAL_TAX_INFO_F Element definitions.
HR_S_US_STATE_TAX_INFO_F Element definitions.
HR_S_US_ZIP_CODES Valid zip code ranges for VERTEX cities, used to validate US addresses.
HR_TAB_PAGE_PROPERTIES_B Properties of tab pages for configurable forms
HR_TAB_PAGE_PROPERTIES_TL Translated properties of tab pages for configurable forms
HR_TEMPLATE_CANVASES_B Definition of canvases on template for configurable forms
HR_TEMPLATE_DATA_GROUPS Definition for data group on template for configurable forms
HR_TEMPLATE_ITEMS_B Definition of items on template for configurable forms
HR_TEMPLATE_ITEM_CONTEXTS_B Definition of items on a template for given context, for configurable forms
HR_TEMPLATE_ITEM_CONTEXT_PAGES Information about which tab pages item belongs to for a specific context, on template for configurable form.
HR_TEMPLATE_ITEM_TAB_PAGES Information about which tab pages item belongs to on template for configurable form.
HR_TEMPLATE_TAB_PAGES_B Definition of tab page for template, for configurable forms
HR_TEMPLATE_WINDOWS_B Definition of window for a template, for configurable forms
HR_TIPS Help components used within SSHR.
HR_WINDOW_PROPERTIES_B Properties of windows for configurable forms
HR_WINDOW_PROPERTIES_TL Translated properties of windows for configurable forms
HR_WIP_LOCKS Stores context lock for a transaction
HR_WIP_TRANSACTIONS Stores the transaction information and state
HR_WORKFLOWS Taskflows in Oracle HRMS.
HR_WORKING_PERSON_LISTS Holds a list of people who constitute a user current list, used in the Line Manager Web pages
PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES Records of absence, or attendance for an employee.
PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES_EFC This is a copy of the PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES  table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process.
PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCE_TYPES User defined absence types.
PER_ABS_ATTENDANCE_REASONS Valid absence reasons for an absence type.
PER_ABS_ATTENDANCE_TYPES_TL Holds translated information for Absence Types
PER_ADDRESSES Address information for people.
PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F Employee and applicant assignment details.
PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F DateTracked table holding personal information for employees, applicants and other people.
PER_ALL_POSITIONS Dual-maintained position definition information.
PER_ALL_VACANCIES Vacancies within a specific requisition.
PER_ANALYSIS_CRITERIA Flexfield combination table for the personal analysis key flexfield.
PER_APPLICATIONS Applications for employment.
PER_APPRAISALS An  appraisal is a record of an evaluation of a person by others.
PER_APPRAISAL_TEMPLATES The heading or grouping of appraisal questions.
PER_ASSESSMENTS The grouping of a set of assessment elements.
PER_ASSESSMENT_GROUPS Grouping of People for 360 reviews
PER_ASSESSMENT_TYPES The definition of an assessment template
PER_ASSIGNMENT_BUDGET_VALUES_F Budget values for an assignment.
PER_ASSIGNMENT_BUDGET_VALU_EFC This is a copy of the PER_ASSIGNMENT_BUDGET_VALUES_F  table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process.
PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO Extra information for an assignment.
PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO_EFC This is a copy of the PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO  table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process.
PER_ASSIGNMENT_INFO_TYPES Types of extra information that may be held against an assignment.
PER_ASSIGNMENT_INFO_TYPES_TL Translated types of extra information that may be held against an assignment.
PER_ASSIGNMENT_LIST List of assignments that a secure user can access.
PER_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPES Predefined and user defined assignment status types.
PER_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPES_TL Predefined and user defined translated assignment status types.
PER_ASS_STATUS_TYPE_AMENDS User amendments to predefined assignment status types.
PER_ASS_STATUS_TYPE_AMENDS_TL Translated user amendments to predefined assignment status types.
PER_BF_BALANCE_AMOUNTS Holds assignment level run amount and summary values for backfeed balances by payroll processing period
PER_BF_BALANCE_TYPES Types of balances that can be held
PER_BF_PAYMENT_DETAILS Holds details of payments that have been processed by a 3rd party payroll provider, by assignment.
PER_BF_PAYROLL_RUNS Payrolls processed by 3rd party payroll provider.
PER_BF_PROCESSED_ASSIGNMENTS Intersection table storing details of assignments that have been processed by a 3rd party payroll provider in each payroll run
PER_BOOKINGS Event booking details.
PER_BUDGETS Definitions of HR budgets.
PER_BUDGET_ELEMENTS Combinations of organization, grade, job, and position used to define detailed budget values.
PER_BUDGET_VALUES Planned HR budget values for specific budget elements.
PER_BUDGET_VALUES_EFC This is a copy of the PER_BUDGET_VALUES  table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process.
PER_BUDGET_VERSIONS Identifies specific versions of an HR budget.
PER_CAGR_GRADES The reference collectively agreed grades for a Collective Agreement.
PER_CAGR_GRADES_DEF Collective agreement grades key flexfield combinations table.
PER_CAGR_GRADE_STRUCTURES The valid collectively agreed grade key flexfield structures for a particular collective agreement
PER_CAL_ENTRY_GEO_LIST Calendar Entry Geo Coverage Cache
PER_CAL_ENTRY_ORG_LIST Calendar Entry Org Coverage Cache
PER_CAL_ENTRY_VALUES Calendar Entry Values
PER_CAREER_PATHS List of career paths for jobs.
PER_CAREER_PATH_ELEMENTS Progression paths for specific jobs.
PER_CHECKLIST_ITEMS Checklist information.
PER_COBRA_COVERAGE_BENEFITS_F Details of a benefit that the employee accepts or rejects as part of their COBRA coverage.
PER_COBRA_COVERAGE_PERIODS Holds coverage periods for COBRA qualifying events.
PER_COBRA_COVERAGE_STATUSES Tracks the status of a COBRA enrollment.
PER_COBRA_COV_ENROLLMENTS Enrollments for people who are eligible for continued benefit coverage under COBRA.
PER_COBRA_DEPENDENTS_F Holds employee dependents coverage for a COBRA qualifying event.
PER_COBRA_QFYING_EVENTS_F Events that have meaning in the context of COBRA coverage, e.g. Divorce, Termination, Death  etc.
PER_COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENTS Collective agreement information.
PER_COMPETENCES A competence is a definition of knowledge, skills, abilities or other charactaristics that a person may possess.
PER_COMPETENCES_TL This table is used for language translations
PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS A competence element is used to record an individual competence and an evaluation rating.
PER_COMP_ELEMENT_OUTCOMES The outcomes achieved towards a given Competency .
PER_CONTACT_EXTRA_INFO_F Extra information for a contact relationship.
PER_CONTACT_INFO_TYPES Types of extra information that may be held against a contact relationship.
PER_CONTACT_INFO_TYPES_TL Translated types of extra information that may be held against  a contact relationship.
PER_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIPS Contacts and relationship details for dependents, beneficiaries, emergency contacts, parents etc.
PER_CONTRACTS_F The details of a persons contract of employment
PER_CPN_DATA_UPGRADE Used to log errors / warnings during the conversion of competences to a key flex structure.
PER_DEPLOYMENT_FACTORS A factor affecting a person's capacity to be deployed within an organization.
PER_DISABILITIES_F Hold Disability information for one person
PER_ELECTIONS Holds election related information.
PER_ELECTION_CANDIDATES Holds information of Election candidates.
PER_ELECTION_CONSTITUENCYS This table holds information related to constituencies participating in the election.
PER_ESTABLISHMENTS This entity is used to maintain a list  of educational establishments e.g. schools, colleges, universities, etc.
PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES A record of educational establishments that a person is currently attending or has previously attended.
PER_EVENTS Record of events such as interviews and appraisals for applicants and employees.
PER_FORM_FUNCTIONS Navigation and person change information for the Enter Person information screens.
PER_GENERIC_REPORT_OUTPUT Text lines for output by a generic report script, including: title, header, footer and body lines.
PER_GRADES Grade definitions for a business group.
PER_GRADES_TL Trnslated fields for per_grades
PER_GRADE_DEFINITIONS Grade key flexfield combinations table.
PER_GRADE_SPINES_F Stores the progression points for each grade scale.
PER_HTML_TOOLKIT_REC_TYPES Default values for the HR html toolkit.
PER_IMAGES Images for a designated row in a designated table.
PER_INFO_TYPE_SECURITY Cross table between Responsibilty and Info_type tables, used to secure info types based on responsibility.
PER_JOBS Jobs defined for a Business Group.
PER_JOBS_TL Translated  columns for per_jobs
PER_JOB_DEFINITIONS Job key flexfield combinations table.
PER_JOB_EVALUATIONS Job evaluation details for specific jobs or positions.
PER_JOB_EXTRA_INFO Extra information for a job.
PER_JOB_GROUPS Holds Job Group Information. Each Job will be a member of a Job Group and a Job Group can optionally be within a business group.
PER_JOB_INFO_TYPES Types of extra information that may be held against a job.
PER_JOB_REQUIREMENTS Requirements for specific jobs or positions.  For example, skills, qualifications, experience, training.
PER_JP_ADDRESS_LOOKUPS Lookups for Japanese Addresses
PER_JP_BANK_LOOKUPS Lookups for Japanese Bank Branches
PER_JP_POSTAL_CODES Lookups for Japanese postal codes and districts
PER_JP_SCHOOL_LOOKUPS Lookups for Japanese Educational Institutions
PER_LETTER_GEN_STATUSES Associations between letter types and possible status type changes.
PER_LETTER_REQUESTS Requests for specific types of standard letter.
PER_LETTER_REQUEST_LINES Details of individual letter requests.
PER_LETTER_TYPES Letter types and auto-request definitions.
PER_MASS_MOVES High level mass move definition.
PER_MEDICAL_ASSESSMENTS Hold Medical Assessment information for one person
PER_MM_ASSIGNMENTS PER_MM_ASSIGNMENTS holds assignments that were defined as part of a mass move.
PER_MM_JOB_REQUIREMENTS PER_MM_JOB_REQUIREMENTS holds data related to transferring position requirements to a newly created position.
PER_MM_POSITIONS PER_MM_POSITIONS holds positions that were defined as part of a mass move.
PER_MM_VALID_GRADES PER_MM_VALID_GRADES holds valid grades that will be moved with a position during a mass move.
PER_NL_ABSENCE_ACTIONS Dutch Specific Absence Actions
PER_NL_ABSENCE_CHANGES Dutch Specific Absence Changes
PER_NL_ASG_SCL_UPGRADE Records the Dutch Assignment SCL Context Information Migrated used by the Report
PER_NUMBER_GENERATION_CONTROLS PER_NUMBER_GENERATION_CONTROLS holds the numbers that are automatically generated for a Business Group.
PER_OBJECTIVES A target or goal which may be evaluated during an appraisal.
PER_ORGANIZATION_LIST List of organizations that a secure user can access.
PER_ORGANIZATION_STRUCTURES Organization hierarchy names.
PER_ORG_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS Organization hierarchy details showing parent-child reporting relationships between organizations.
PER_ORG_STRUCTURE_VERSIONS Version control information for specific organization hierarchies.
PER_PARENT_SPINES Details of pay scales, (previously known as parent spines).
PER_PARTICIPANTS A person participating in an appraisal or assessment.
PER_PAY_BASES Definitions of specific salary bases.
PER_PAY_PROPOSALS Salary proposals and performance review information for employee assignments.
PER_PAY_PROPOSALS_EFC This is a copy of the PER_PAY_PROPOSALS  table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process.
PER_PAY_PROPOSAL_COMPONENTS Component details of a pay proposal for an employee assignment.
PER_PAY_PROPOSAL_COMPONENT_EFC This is a copy of the PER_PAY_PROPOSAL_COMPONENT  table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process.
PER_PEOPLE_EXTRA_INFO Extra information for a person.
PER_PEOPLE_INFO_TYPES The table holds the definitions of extra information types that may be held against a person.
PER_PERFORMANCE_RATINGS A single evaluation of an objective.
PER_PERFORMANCE_REVIEWS Performance review information for employees.
PER_PERIODS_OF_PLACEMENT Periods of placement details for a non-payrolled worker
PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE Period of service details for an employee.
PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE_EFC This is a copy of the PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process.
PER_PERSON_ANALYSES Special information types for a person.
PER_PERSON_DLVRY_METHODS The communication delivery method for a person.
PER_PERSON_LIST List of people that a secure user can access.
PER_PERSON_LIST_CHANGES List of people that are to be added to current PER_PERSON_LIST.
PER_PERSON_LIST_CHG_ARCH Archive table to hold content of PER_PERSON_LIST_CHANGES on upgrade.
PER_PERSON_TYPES Person types visible to specific Business Groups.
PER_PERSON_TYPES_TL Translated person types information.
PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F Identifies the types a person may be.
PER_PHONES PER_PHONES holds phone numbers for current and ex-employees, current and ex-applicants and employee contacts.
PER_POSITION_DEFINITIONS Combinations of segments stored in the PER_POSTIONS table.
PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO Extra information for a position.
PER_POSITION_INFO_TYPES Types of extra information that may be held against a position.
PER_POSITION_LIST List of positions that a secure user can access.
PER_POSITION_STRUCTURES Position Hierarchy names.
PER_POS_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS Position hierarchy details showing parent-child reporting relationships between positions.
PER_POS_STRUCTURE_VERSIONS Version control information for specific position hierarchies.
PER_PREVIOUS_JOBS Used to store Previous Jobs
PER_PREVIOUS_JOB_EXTRA_INFO Previous Jobs extra info
PER_PREVIOUS_JOB_INFO_TYPES Used to store previous job info types
PER_PREVIOUS_JOB_USAGES Used to store previous job Usages
PER_PREV_JOB_EXTRA_INFO Previous Jobs extra info
PER_PREV_JOB_INFO_TYPES Used to store previous job info types
PER_PROPOSAL_CATEGORY_MEMBERS Web Offers profile categories of questions
PER_PROPOSAL_CATEGORY_TYPES Generic web offer category definitions
PER_PROPOSAL_QUESTIONS_ADV Web Offer advanced questions
PER_PROPOSAL_QUESTION_MEMBERS Web offer profile questions
PER_PROPOSAL_QUESTION_TYPES Generic web offer questions
PER_PTU_DFF_MAPPING_HEADERS Table for storing DFF migration mapping Information from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F to PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F.
PER_PTU_DFF_MAPPING_LINES Table for storing DFF migration mapping Information from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F to PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F.
PER_PTU_DFF_MIG_FAILED_PEOPLE This table is used to store the details of the person records failed to migrate to PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.
PER_QUALIFICATIONS A record of educational qualification, certificates, licenses, etc that a person holds or is acquiring.
PER_QUALIFICATIONS_EFC This is a copy of the PER_QUALIFICATIONS  table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process.
PER_QUALIFICATIONS_TL Translated qualification details.
PER_QUALIFICATION_TYPES Maintains the list of qualiification types that can be attained.
PER_QUALIFICATION_TYPES_TL Maintains the list of qualiification type translations
PER_QUERY_CRITERIA Used to store criteria to build up a query
PER_QUICKPAINT_INVOCATIONS Identifies QuickPaint report runs.
PER_QUICKPAINT_RESULT_TEXT Text description for the result of a single QuickPaint run.
PER_RATING_LEVELS A rating scale step is a single point on a rating scale and is used to rate competences.
PER_RATING_LEVELS_TL A rating scale step is a single point on a rating scale and is used to rate competences.
PER_RATING_SCALES A scale used to rate compentencies.
PER_RATING_SCALES_TL Translated rating scale name and description.
PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITIES Recruitment activities and costs.
PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITIES_EFC This is a copy of the PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITIES  table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process.
PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITY_FOR Vacancies associated with a specific recruitment activity.
PER_REQUISITIONS Vacancy requisition details.
PER_RI_DEPENDENCIES Dependencies among Workbench tasks
PER_RI_REQUESTS Concurrent requests for workbench componenets
PER_RI_SETUP_SUB_TASKS Workbench setup sub-tasks
PER_RI_SETUP_TASKS Workbench Setup Tasks
PER_RI_VIEW_REPORTS Stores data related to view reports for HRMS
PER_RI_VIEW_REPORTS_TL Workbench View Reports Translation Table
PER_RI_WORKBENCH_ITEMS_TL Translation table for Per_ri_workbench_items
PER_ROLES Holds the different roles that a person performs.
PER_SALARY_SURVEYS Market salary survey information.
PER_SALARY_SURVEY_LINES Details for market salary surveys.
PER_SALARY_SURVEY_LINES_EFC This is a copy of the PER_SALARY_SURVEY_LINES  table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process.
PER_SALARY_SURVEY_MAPPINGS Mapping information for a salary survey line.
PER_SCHED_COBRA_PAYMENTS Payment schedules for benefits provided by a COBRA coverage.
PER_SECONDARY_ASS_STATUSES Secondary assignment statuses used for information and reporting.
PER_SECURITY_ORGANIZATIONS List of organizations to include or exclude from
security list
PER_SECURITY_PROFILES Security profile definitions to restrict user access to specific HRMS records.
PER_SECURITY_USERS List of users for a security profile whose access permissions will be stored in static lists duringSecurity List Maintenance.
PER_SEC_PROFILE_ASSIGNMENTS Security profile assignments for User, Responsibility and Business Group.
PER_SHARED_TYPES Holds 'type' and 'status' information.
PER_SHARED_TYPES_TL Translated information for shared types.
PER_SPECIAL_INFO_TYPES Special information types available to a Business Group.
PER_SPECIAL_INFO_TYPE_USAGES Limits usage of special information types to specific windows.
PER_SPINAL_POINTS List of progression points in a pay scale.
PER_SPINAL_POINT_PLACEMENTS_F Details of assignment placements to a grade step and point.
PER_SPINAL_POINT_STEPS_F Grade steps defined in a specific grade scale and their incremental order.
PER_STANDARD_HOLIDAYS Statutory Holiday information.
PER_STARTUP_PERSON_TYPES_TL Predefined list of translated person types.
PER_STD_HOLIDAY_ABSENCES Records when Statutory Holidays are taken.
PER_SUBJECTS_TAKEN Holds a record of a person's subject usages for a qualification
PER_SUBJECTS_TAKEN_TL Translated grade_attained.
PER_SUCCESSION_PLANNING The record of a person's proposed succession to a position.
PER_TIME_PERIODS Time period definitions for payroll processing and HR budget calendars.
PER_TIME_PERIOD_RULES Rules for time periods used by the system.
PER_TIME_PERIOD_SETS Specific dates for a defined calendar.
PER_TIME_PERIOD_TYPES Predefined list of valid period types for payroll and HR budget calendars.
PER_TIME_PERIOD_TYPES_TL Predefined list of translated period types for payroll and HR budget calendars.
PER_US_INVAL_ADDRESSES Temporary table used to hold invalid addresses.
PER_US_INVAL_LOCATIONS Temporary table used to hold invalid location addresses.
PER_VALID_GRADES Lists valid grades for jobs and positions.
PER_WORK_INCIDENTS Holds information on Incidents that happen at work or en route to work, for example, an industrial accident
PER_WORK_INCIDENTS_EFC This is a copy of the PER_WORK_INCIDENTS  table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process.
PER_ZA_AREAS_OF_ASSESSMENT Table to store the Areas of assessment per NQF Assessment
PER_ZA_ASSESSMENTS Table to store the NQF Assessment info for a person
PER_ZA_EMPLOYMENT_EQUITY Temporary table for Employment Equity Reporting
PER_ZA_FORMAL_QUALIFICATIONS Table to store additional NQF Qualification info for a person
PER_ZA_LEARNERSHIP_AGREEMENTS Table to store the NQF learnership agreement info between a person and the organization
PER_ZA_QUALIFICATION_TYPES Table to link qualification types (titles) to NQF qualification types
PER_ZA_TRAINING Table to store NQF Training info for a person


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